Why Is It So Difficult To Market SaaS

Why Is It So Difficult To Market SaaS
01 October, 2021

Why Is It So Difficult To Market SaaS.

Hello Readers!

It is a very well known fact that Software-as-a-Service, SaaS, has changed the entire scenario of conducting business practices. Many business owners will definitely agree with the SaaS Software benefits. Yet many SaaS Software Companies will definitely agree that SaaS Marketing in India is difficult and a challenging task too!

Some major reasons that make SaaS Marketing challenging are:

  1. The Small Online Market: Well, it is mostly seen that few businesses have leveraged modern technologies to improve their business operations. Even Indian businesses don't put any effort into searching for any solutions online to look for ways that will improve their business efficiency. There may be two reasons: The businesses aren't aware their business operation is inefficient. And the second reason is, despite being aware of the fact their business operation is inefficient, they search for solutions through their personal network. 

  2. The Low Perceived Value of Software: Indian Business owners are still unaware of how beneficial SaaS can be for their business. They don't perceive the actual value of the software and undermine it. 

  3. The Culture of B2B Payments: SaaS includes subscribing to a package to access the software. Most of the Indian Business is in the favor of B2B Payment structure. They may not agree with this deal of subscribing to a package and then accessing the SaaS product.

  4. Prospects are price conscious negotiators: Contrasted with prospects in other business markets, prospects in India are more delicate to pricing and 'per unit' value. Maybe the prospects may decide to suffer profoundly manual and dreary tasks, or keep using inadequate programming, just because that is frequently less expensive if less proficient in the short-term.