Our Search Engine Optimization Work

Our Search Engine Optimization Work
22 December, 2021

Our Search Engine Optimization Work.

How do we work on SEO ?

SEO is the process of taking efforts to improve the ranking of a website or piece of content on Google. To put it another way, search engine optimization is the process of improving a piece of online material so that it appears near the top of a search engine's page when someone searches for something.

Step We Should follow for SEO

Step 1: Conduct an off-site SEO audit. Each search engine optimization starts with a thorough keyword study.

Step 2: Technical SEO Optimizations are the second step.

Step 3: Conduct a usability test...

Step 4: Establishing Links...

Step 5: Content marketing is the fifth step.

Step 6: Social media marketing is the sixth step.

Google Analytics 

Google Analytics is a free application that allows you to track and analyze the traffic on your website. It is the most extensively used website statistics service in the world (in 2009, half of all websites had some sort of traffic analysis tool). Google Analytics was used by 80% of those polled (out of 50 percent).